Our Mission

At Southern California Moot Court, we aim to prepare the next generation of scholars to lead the legal field.

Here, students of all backgrounds learn to embody the mind of a lawyer – to dissect the law, synthesize legal reasoning, and deliver winning arguments in national competition. By the time they graduate, our students will exit with rare courtroom experience unrivaled by any other undergraduate opportunity. Whether they choose to pursue a legal career or not, the skills they obtain from Southern California Moot Court will propel them to wherever their passions desire.

The SCMC Edge

Edge in Law School Admissions


Law school candidates with Mock Trial, Model UN, or Debate experience are all too common. And those activities merely approximate the skills you'll need to apply in law school. Undergraduate moot court experience is unique — it's the only activity that directly and completely develops the skills necessary to be successful in law school.


Edge in Law School


Moot court is something that every single lawyer (I mean every single one, really) did in law school — if you're going to be a lawyer, you'll be doing moot court in law school.

Law school moot court is one of the first measures of your prestige and ranks among your peers. If you're successful, your professors, peers, and potential employers will notice. If you drop the ball, they'll notice too.


Edge in Real Legal Practice


Moot court teaches members to "think like a lawyer." You'll research the law, you'll have a set of facts, and your job will be to develop cogent, sound arguments for why the law should be applied to the facts in a certain way. This is the manner of thinking that law schools teach and that state bars test. You'll have years of experience thinking this way by the time your peers are just developing the process.


Edge in Public Speaking & Legal Advocacy


Moot Court oral argument competitions are judged by real judges and lawyers and you’ll be answering questions on the fly throughout your argument. By the time you’re speaking in front of real judges, you’ll have had numerous full-length practice rounds to develop your speaking skills.